
Frontline warrior against Covid-19

One of the guiding principles at Alvogen has always been to give back to the communities in which we serve, but Dr. Chandrashekhar Nimkar has clearly taken this to a whole new level, as a philanthropist with both a global and local reach. As a Head of India’s sourcing office, which is a part of Alvogen’s Global Supply Chain, Dr. Nimkar frequently travels across Europe, Southeast Asia and the United States, but he was recently grounded in his hometown Nivendi, near Ganapatipule, because of the national lockdown enforced during the global Covid-19 pandemic. 

Far from remaining idle there, Dr. Nimkar played a vital role as a “Frontline Corona Warrior”, not only by helping the locals, but also the Ratnagiri Police, using his extensive wealth of experience without fearing for his own health or well being, while simultaneously managing his corporate job.

Traveling almost 50 km every day, Dr. Nimkar and his team sanitized multiple police stations and the central jail of Ratnagiri, and led numerous awareness drives regarding the Covid-19 crisis. He has also donated masks made from high quality antimicrobial cloth to the police, as well as the Ratnagiri District Government Hospital. There has been tremendous stress on the police during this period, so Dr. Nimkar and his team arranged for their refreshments and, in so doing, made their health a priority as well. Since the entire town was closed, all the sources of food and water for stray animals such as cows, buffaloes and dogs had collapsed so Dr. Nimkar also arranged for food and water for these helpless animals.

Many people came forward to offer their help during this difficult pandemic, but to avoid an erratic and uneven distribution of resources. Dr. Nimkar and his teammates play a coordinating role with the Ratnagiri Police to make sure everyone receives proper help. The team has prepared kits containing wheat flour, salt, rice, lentils, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, hand sanitizers, etc.

Dr. Nimkar has selflessly been working with a number of social and educational organizations for more than three decades now. His journey and progress from a Doctorate in Analytical Chemistry to Head of India sourcing at Alvogen has been astounding and he has earned numerous degrees, including an MBA, LLB, and certificates in negotiation and entrepreneurship development from prestigious universities such as Harvard and MIT as well as a post graduate diploma in Human Rights. 

He has also been planting more than a hundred trees every year for last 33 years and he sponsors the treatment of 5 chronic illness patients every year and does the same for the educational expenses of 5 underprivileged students for quite a few years now. He is one of the founding members of the Snehajyoti Nivasi Blind School in Mandangd and has been successfully running it for the last 13 years. 

Dr. Nimkar’s go-to motto to resolve any problem or drawback that may occur is to “think global but behave local” and he is certainly a great example to us all!